Please send the details of those who will be representing your men’s Shed at the AGM to [email protected] as soon as possible and by 5.00pm on Thursday the 8th of Novemeber at the latest.
Due to the growth of the numbers of Sheds across the Island of Ireland and in line with our core values of equality and inclusiveness there has been some changes proposed to the goverenence structure of the IMSA. Following the AGM it is envisaged that the board will consist of 12 members made up of three members from each of the four proviences.
The board members will be elected for a three year term with a minimum of one third of the board stepping down each year. So with these circumstances in mind and with the geographical spread of those who were elected last year the IMSA is seeking nominations to it’s board from it’s membership of suitable qualified experienced individuals from both Connacth and Ulster.
A small number of places for observers, who are not members of the IMSA, will be made available for those wishing to attend. If you are not an IMSA member and would like to attend please register your interest immediately by emailing [email protected]
IMSA is very greatful to the men of the Killarney Shed for facilitating this meeting. In preparation thay have arranged very good value accomodation options and social opportunities.
Accommodation: Travel Inn, Fossa. Tel: 00353 64 6623600 B&B €30 pps
The 19th Green Guesthouse. Tel: 00353 646632868 Email: [email protected] B&B €25 PPS
Doughlasha B & B Tel: 00353 64 6671848, B&B €25 PPS
Social: A free guided coach tour of Killarney, Kenmare, Moll’s Gap and Muckross House has been arranged. The Coach will leave Killarney at 10 am and return at 16:00 This is for non-participants in the IMSA Annual General Meeting
An evening dinner followed by a trad music session has been arranged for the Valley Bar, Fossa on 1st December with music from 9:30pm to midnight.
Any musician attending the AGM is welcome bring along their own instruments and to join in the session.
Killarney Men’s Shed Upper Lewis Road Killarney Tel 089 4629623 Email: [email protected] Web Page:
for the full post on mens sheds website click here
if your on facebook some more details are here