The course involved members of the shed taking on a woodworking project and availing of the skills and experience of local man Andrew Sullivan (originally from Australia) to help them successfully complete it.
Pictured are Andrew and some of the group members receiving their certificates from KWTEB.
The projects completed included garden furniture, antique restorations, model barns, children’s furniture, and sign making to name but a few.
Shed member David Kenny stated that “the course was great fun, very enjoyable and it really helped me to improve my skills with wood, tools and project management. It was a great experience and I can’t wait for the next one!”
The course ran for 8 Saturday mornings and the regular Saturday Morning Barbeque at the Shed ensured that the men were well fuelled for their work.
The shed is now taking on a number of community projects such as the recreation of a “Barrow Cot”. This is a traditional barrow boat that was used on the river up to circa 1920 but has since disappeared from the river. This project will be ran in association with Athy Community Enterprise Centre and the Shed are inviting and welcoming any new members that might be able to help with the project, even if all that means is making a cup of tea for the team!
The shed is open Monday to Saturday between 10am to 2pm and new members are encouraged to make a visit.
Further information about Athy Men’s Shed is available through their website at: www.