The deal is I give you a riddle. You get it right you get to keep your profile pic or change it to something else. You get it wrong and you change your profile pic to a Giraffe for the next 3 days.
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Men's Shed Research
The National Conference of The Irish Men's Association will be held in the GMIT Castlebar on the weekend of Nov 15th/16th/17th with the main events being held on the Saturday Nov 16th in St Mary’s Hall., GMIT. 10am-5pm![]() This is a gathering of all the sheds of the country and it is estimated that 300 upwards will attend the event. Men travelling from the four corners of the country will gather to share experiences, exhibit projects, partake in the “Pallet Challenge” and join in the activities of the day. Guest speakers include, Micheal O Muircheartaigh, Sean Coughlan from Social Entrepreneurs Ireland and Maghus Colin’s from Sand To Snow Adventurers. There will be performances from Kilorglin Mens Shed Choir and Armagh Sheds Drama Group. Local and national organisations holding stands on the day include, Pieta House, Mayo Mental Health, the HSE, South West Development, Teagasc, Rock Rose House,, Le Cheile FRC, BHP Insurances, Spec Savers, Mc Quillan Tools. The Irish Heart Foundation will provide free health checks on the day. It is very important to stress that this event is not exclusively for men. On the contrary there will be something for everyone on the day, from viewing the projects of the various sheds to drama , music and entertaining and inspiring speakers. There will also be an evening Banquet at the Harlequin Hotel on Saturday evening at a cost of €20 per person. Please contact the hotel directly if you would like to attend. You can contact then at or +353 (0) 94 9286200 and hurry because places are limited. All are welcome and we look forward to a great event for the IMSA and for the town of Castlebar also. More details here
The Shed A shed is such a Special place,
with four walls and a floor A kettle always boiling, and A Welcome on the door. Where men can gather freely, To simply pass the time. Where Pat, who is a friend of yours, Becomes a friend of mine. Where problems find solutions, And issues are discussed. Where all the World's problems, Get lost among the dust. Where every man is valued, And equality abounds. Where laughter,song, and stories, Become familiar sounds. What makes a shed so special, Is the men that are inside, Where a problem shared, Is a problem halved. In friends you can confide. So why not join a shed today. I know you will enjoy. And while your'e drinking mugs of tea, Please tell them,I said Hi. Gerry Niland Cahir Mens Shed ![]() Hi All, Recently the application we were using to send out text messages about news from the shed , stopped working . We have secured another application, however we need your mobile phone number if you would like to receive text messages . To restart and include you in the text messaging service , we need you to text the shed phone 083 137 8888 Dont forget to include your name in the text message |
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May 2020